About My Gastritis

Yellow diamond serving as a divider.

Hey there! I’m Clara and I am 33 years old the heart behind GastritisCooking, along my husband who helped me to set up this blog. If you’re here, you might be feeling a bit overwhelmed with your recent gastritis diagnosis If you’ve found your way here, you might be feeling overwhelmed with your recent gastritis diagnosis. I completely understand. I’ve been on this journey for a couple of years, and I’m here to tell you, it does get brighter.

At first, the diagnosis made me feel realy unsure about everything. I scoured the internet for solutions, seeking insights from others who’ve walked this path and hunting down the right dietary approach. My first doctor optimistically predicted a two-month recovery. Yet, after a follow-up endoscopy, my gastritis stubbornly remained. It was then labeled ‘chronic,’ a term that seemed to echo endlessly.

A smiling woman in a blue patterned apron stands in a home kitchen, pointing to a variety of fresh vegetables and fruits on the counter, highlighting a healthy, gastritis-friendly cooking environment.

Resigned but determined, I embraced a strict, bland diet, hoping it would coax my gastritis into retreat. That’s when my kitchen transformed into my sanctuary. Cooking became more than a necessity; it became my creative outlet. The dishes i crafted, full of flavor yet gentle on the stomach, became beacons of hope in my healing journey. 

Yellow diamond serving as a divider.

And now, I'm excited to share these culinary discoveries with you.

But enough about me. This space is for you, to guide and support you toward the wellness I now cherish. Recovery consists of small, meaningful steps. For me, identifying trigger foods was pivotal. I diligently kept a meal diary, noting which foods were safe amid a generally light and anti-inflammatory diet. Alkaline water became my constant companion, its higher pH levels a balm for my irritated stomach.

Physical activity, particularly walking, infused my days with a gentle rhythm, complementing my dietary efforts. I tried to avoid stress as much as possible because it can negatively impact the healing process even if it isn’t the cause of gastritis. Instead, I sought refuge in the joys of life, like immersing myself in the world of novels, a hobby that became my solace.

These foundational steps gradually restored my vitality. It’s been a long road, but my diet now knows few restrictions, though I remain mindful of acidic foods. My experiments in the kitchen, driven by a desire to craft universally friendly recipes, were born from the very challenges I faced. And it’s this knowledge and experience I bring to GastritisCooking.

My commitment to you is unwavering. Here at GastritisCooking, I vow to make your journey with gastritis as smooth and palatable as possible. Let’s navigate this path together, transforming gastritis from a foe into an opportunity for growth, healing, and culinary delight.

Easy steps to follow

Discover the joy of cooking with my step-by-step guides. Easy, fun, and absolutely delicious – that’s my promise to you.

Delicious recipes guarantee

Gastritis or not, my recipes guarantee a feast of flavors in every bite. Healthy eating never tasted so good!

Universal ingridients

My engaging tutorials are packed with universal cooking tips, making gastritis cooking both tasty and healthy.

A well-organized food diary setup for a gastritis diet featuring eggs, millet, bananas, water, carrots, and salmon, suggesting a balanced approach to tracking nutritional intake for health management.

Remember about running a food diary!